This type of inline specification of CLUSTERED and NONCLUSTERED indexes is now available for tables that are disk-based. By creating a table with an inline index is the same as creating a table which is followed by a CREATE INDEX statement. This option should be used for archival or other cases in which you require a small storage size for your data and you cannot afford to add more time for storage and retrieval. The ALTER INDEX command ran with REBUILD has a new COLUMNSTORE_ARCHIVE compression option for your data.

SQL Server 2014 supports several encryption algorithms, including Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 128, AES 192, AES 256, and Triple DES. You must use a certificate or an asymmetric sql server 2014 new features for dba key to perform encryption for SQL Server 2014 backups. Because the clustered columnstore index can be updated, then the workload can perform more delete, update and insert operations.

My Favorite New Feature in SQL Server 2014

The snapshot is first mounted by whatever snapshot application you use. Second the snapshot is taken using an application outside of SQL Server. Ransomware attacks are low risk and can be highly profitable for the bad guys.

The new SSDT-BI supports SSAS and SSRS for SQL Server 2014 and earlier, but SSIS projects are limited to SQL Server 2014. In the pre-release version of SQL Server 2014, SQL Server Setup doesn’t install SSDT-BI. Instead, you must download SSDT-BI separately from the Microsoft Download Center. As an example, login with CONTROL SERVER permission can be disallowed from impersonating other logins.


Let’s take a look at the new features and improvements with SQL Server 2014. There is a great deal of information about the upcoming
SQL Server
2014 version, especially about
which is the In-Memory OLTP engine feature of SQL Server 2014. In this tip I will guide you through the new features that make
SQL Server 2014 so outstanding. SQL Server is a popular relational database management system (RDBMS) that is used by businesses of all sizes.

sql server 2014 new features for dba

Creating a table with inline indexes is equivalent to issuing a create table followed by corresponding CREATE INDEX statements. Included columns and filter conditions are not supported with inline indexes. More importantly, no one can take our backup file and restore it to another database server. However, when Timmy starts sending the Russian mob backups they can’t do anything with, he may not be long for this world.

In-Memory OLTP: Row Visibility in SQL Server’s MVCC

This is why
it is important for DBAs, Storage Admins and VM Admins to work together to define
and implement the best approach for using snapshots. T-SQL Snapshot Backups are a new feature in SQL Server 2022 and they work in
conjunction with backup applications. This is an extremely fast way to create a
backup compared to a traditional backup you create with SQL Server. T-SQL Snapshot
Backups also eliminates the need for Volume Shadow Copy Service and SQL Writer.

  • Learn everything you need to know to start building databases with SQL Server.
  • COURSE DESCRIPTION SQL Server 2016 introduces many new T-SQL features for Developers and Database Administrators.
  • SQL Server 2014 also provides a new solid state disk (SSD) integration capability that enables you to use SSD storage to expand SQL Server 2014’s buffer pool.
  • This feature can improve performance substantially but there is a small window where a crash may cause data loss.
  • There are several technologies from numerous vendors to create and manage snapshots.

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